Cyclone Mousery

We are a Rodentry located in South Western Sydney. Our aim is to produce quality rats and mice for show and pet. Our main focus with breeding is health and temperament whilst producing confident, friendly and beautifully conformed rodents.

Cyclone Rodents are handled early and are nurtured from birth in a healthy, friendly environment. We welcome you to come and see our Rodents prior to selecting your new pet.

Our breeding focus with mice at the moment is Variegated being our main project, we have many different types available at our Mousery Long Coats, Texel, Rex, Manx and Standard Coats in many different colours.

Rats we breed small scale with our main focus being Velour, Rex and Standard Coat types.

You can keep up to date regularly with what’s going on at Cyclone Mousery through our Facebook Page.

We don’t always have mice available for sale and we don’t sell for food.

We do ship all over the country, if you are interested in reserving a mouse or rat or have any rodent related questions please feel free to contact us.



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